We help organizations who don’t want to paint by the numbers.

Reflect • Re-Tool • Transform


It’s Time for Organizations and Leaders to Change

Unprecedented business challenges and changes precipitated by the pandemic.

The recalibration of teams and exhausted leaders who’ve been operating in crisis mode for far too long.

An intense reckoning of racial relationships.

It’s just now dawning on leaders and teams that the lockdown phase was just the acute part of the crisis. What about “the day after”?  Organizations and their leaders are unprepared for how to respond in recovery. They need to engage with more profound and adaptive challenges in their businesses, their teams, and the way they lead.

It’s time to pivot.

The Pivot Page is Led by Linda Hodo


I have spent my professional life helping businesses and industries solve problems and improve their business results through people. I am a strategic business partner with deep expertise in leadership development, executive coaching, and change management with experience in and a passion for diversity, equity and inclusion. A former board member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD; formerly American Society for Training and Development) and the Human Resource Management Association of Chicago (HRMAC), I have served as a speaker both domestically and abroad and have developed global expertise in human resource development through assignments in EMEA, LATAM, and APAC.

The Pivot page Solutions


Leadership Development

“It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers” ―Warren Bennis

Great leaders don’t paint by the numbers. I bring expertise to help organizations reflect on what leadership behaviors are needed now and how to align them with the business strategy. I help my clients build a leadership development infrastructure to deliver business outcomes. A targeted leadership development approach responds to the gaps that are identified. I work with you to ensure alignment with your organization strategy, whether your organization is your team, your business unit or the enterprise. We provide a four-part framework of learning experiences to grow your leaders.  Choose from development experiences from Looking Inward, Looking Outward, Looking Across, or Looking Forward……or combine all four.



“I was intensely curious because Cézanne is one of my favorite artists and the man who set the stage for much of modern art. Here’s what I found: Some of the paintings were pretty bad….. Although there were some paintings that foreshadowed the later Cézanne, many did not. Was the early Cézanne not talented? Or did it just take time for Cézanne to become Cézanne?” ―Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: How You Can Fulfill Potential

Every leader is a canvas waiting to be a picture all their own. However, what worked before may not work now. The leader must be willing to have a growth mindset, paint outside the lines, get out of a comfort zone, and learn continuously as a way of adapting to changed surroundings. Scary stuff. My coaching insights help leaders review their style and rethink the future. Getting out of the comfort zone marks the key difference in the ability to be successful in a time of unprecedented change. We’ll assess where you are compared to where you think you need to be.  The picture will be different for everyone. We’ll help you identify a Pivot Plan that works best for you.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” ―Peter Drucker

DE&I is the biggest pivot of all. Any strategy that doesn’t take into account the culture of the organization is likely to fail. Leaders in organizations tend to focus more on strategy. Strategy is comparatively easy to understand and create, but culture is complex and often intangible. Everyone brings different brush strokes to the workplace everyday.  The problem is that many companies don’t know where to begin to put the picture together.  We help companies identify the maturity level of their DE&I efforts and the strategies to take them to the next level. My tools help organizations develop change strategies to take their DE&I efforts to the next level.


Team development

“Without trust we don’t truly collaborate; we merely coordinate or at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team”  ―Stephen Covey

We provide strategies to recalibrate team trust, collaboration, and effectiveness. Massive change often reorders the informal hierarchy of a team, new heroes emerge and new relationships are forged. The painting moves from the still life to the abstract. While the formal structure may be unchanged, the informal structure has been disrupted under the surface and needs to be realigned or rethought. Trust, commitments and accountability often change impacting the results of the team. We’ll work with your team to identify strategies for greater effectiveness and have team members identify their own Pivot Plan to transform their ways of working.